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To Tremosa (Ponteceso)

Surf y Playas salvajes

Find out more about To Tremosa (Ponteceso)

A Tremosa gañou a súa sona entre os amantes das ondas xigantes, both nationally and internationally.
It is a better treasure of the Costa da Morte, and it is increasingly valued by those people who dare to try it, even compared to waves such as Australia or Hawaii.
It was a large wave that, under axeite conditions, became a festival of tubes for the most daring people.

Lighthouses, rivers, beaches and much more on the Costa da Morte

Other places of interest in Ponteceso

Ponteceso: Brantuas Lighthouse
This is one of those iconic and different places that watch over our shores. And...
Dune system of Ponteceso
This is one of the highest rampant dunes in Europe. This set of dunes, which is ...
To Tremosa (Ponteceso)
A Tremosa gañou a súa sona entre os amantes das ondas xigantes, both nationally ...
Fuso da Moura (Ponteceso)
Where the “moura” lost the spindle The Fuso da Moura is a stone ste...
Anllons River Walk
Route: Circular Start/finish point: Gabenlle Recreation Area Length: 4.3 k...
Laxe and Corme estuary and Anllóns River
The first of the estuaries of the Costa da Morte seen from north to south is tha...
Ponteceso River Walk
Route: Linear Start/Finish Point: Eduardo Pondal Birthplace Length: 2.5 km App...
A Barra (Ponteceso)
The beach of A Barra is still a place to discover. A beach where occupancy is lo...
MACCMO: Costa da Morte Museum of Contemporary Art
When Julio Pujales, a painter from A Coruña, died suddenly at the age of 58, his...
Church of San Martiño de Cores
The church of San Martiño de Cores is a thirteenth-century construction remodele...