The organization of the Assault to the Castle of Vimianzo call to the neighbourhood of Terra de Soneira to take part in the party in the parade of the Irmandades Parroquiais. This will take place the Saturday 7th of July in the afternoon, and stop his realization are few the demands: commitment, go dresses like an irmandiños and wants to make it fun.
To take part, the first is to have a group of people, was by means of an association or by free (minimum five individuals), and represent the any parish of the city councils of Vimianzo, Zas, Camariñas, Laxe or Cabin. Once confirmed the group there is that prpers put in contact with the association of the Assault to the Castle, well through the social nets, email or of the telephone 669735349.
To organizate this activity summons an informative meeting this Thursday 24th of May to the 20h30 in the Culture Hall of Vimianzo.