The night of San Juan on the Costa da Morte is perhaps one of the most important in our culture. It is not only the night that begins summer, but a night in which millenary traditions are carried out such as washing the herbs of San Juan, eating sardines or lighting the bonfires and jumping them to call for good luck and scare away evil spirits. However, few towns give it as much prominence and get as much out of this festivity as Carballo does. Here you can live and participate in the whole tradition of a San Juan de la Costa da Morte not only for one night, but for ten days in which you will enjoy outdoor concerts, traditional dances and music in the streets, traditional attractions and games for the little ones of the house, after-dinner contests and much more.
The night of San Juan is celebrated every night of June 23rd, although in Carballo the festivities begin a few days before and last for a week afterwards.