45 companies and tourist services of Costa da Morte started on Monday 6th May the trainings of the Tourist Quality System in Destination (SICTED)


45 companies and tourist services of Costa da Morte started on Monday 6th May the trainings of the Tourist Quality System in Destination (SICTED)

The new entities adhered this year in Cycle 1 join the 35 already certified last year, constituting a total of 80 tourist services in training and continuous advice in tourism management and quality

Baio (Zas) hosted the first training sessions of this year's SICTED Costa da Morte, co-financed again by the Costa da Morte Tourism Association (CMAT)

The Sociocultural Centre of Baio (Zas), was the setting for the first meeting of this year between the actors of the tourism ecosystem that have the goal of being part of the SICTED and obtain the distinctive Commitment to Tourism Quality. The Costa da Morte Tourism Association (CMAT), thanks to the support of Turismo de Galicia and the Deputación of A Coruña, joined SICTED in 2023, a project of the Secretary of State for Tourism (Setur), co-financed by the Deputación da Coruña. It has its own methodology, which contributes to the implementation of a quality management system in the destinations, counting on local public and private tourism agents.

A total of 80 entities of the Costa da Morte are participating this year, 45 in Cycle 1 and 35 in Cycle 2: rural tourism houses, hotels and guesthouses, tourist flats, hostels, restaurants, artisans and craft shops, active tourism companies, tourist information offices and museums.

The president of CMAT and mayor of Zas, Manuel Muíño, and the secretary of CMAT and president of the Association of Tourism Professionals of the Costa da Morte (APTCM), Pepe Formoso, were in charge of welcoming the 45 new member establishments.

"At CMAT we are very committed to the search for quality in our destination and we are delighted to welcome the new establishments adhered to the SICTED of the Costa da Morte", said Manuel Muíño, who took the opportunity to recall the success of the project last year and to encourage these new incorporations for the path towards quality that they are about to begin.

Pepe Formoso wanted to highlight the importance of the associationism to be able to carry out this type of initiatives, since the implementation of SICTED in the Costa da Morte would not have been possible without the firm commitment of the CMAT and APTCM for the joint and collaborative work between the public and private sector: "It is thanks to the public-private cooperation that all the establishments adhered to APTCM and those that are not yet, can benefit from the implementation of SICTED in the Costa da Morte without an added cost".

Catherine García, from the Technical Secretariat of CMAT, together with Emilio Cuíñas, manager of the consultancy Autoxiro, were in charge of explaining to the new members what the incorporation to SICTED means and what the main objectives of the project are: "In addition to raising the level of quality of tourism services on the Costa da Morte, SICTED is a very powerful tool that helps us to create a destination, to bring together and network tourism professionals in the area, to improve knowledge of the tourist offer and to promote new opportunities for collaboration", emphasised Catherine García. Emilio Cuíñas gave the first SICTED training modules for these 45 new incorporations, in which he explained its methodology and different phases, as well as the management platform and the manuals of good practices, which the establishments will be implementing during 2024, through individualised visits by certified consultants.

In addition, CMAT has foreseen that the compulsory collective workshops to be held this year will revolve around the celebration of the VII International Starlight Meeting, which will take place in Cee, at the beginning of October 2024.

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