The tourism management of the Costa da Morte, a paradigm of public-private collaboration in Galicia

The tourism management of the Costa da Morte, a paradigm of public-private collaboration in Galicia

The CMAT and APTCM were invited as an example of tourism management at a conference on partnership and governance in Foz.

They were invited by the Association of Municipalities of Mariña Lucense to share their experiences as a model of cooperation, together with other destinations such as Gijón and Ribeira Sacra.


ZAS, 5 June 2024. CMAT and APTCM were invited this Wednesday by the Association of Municipalities of the Mariña Lucense, as paradigmatic examples of coordination between the public and private sectors, to a day of reflection and exchange of experiences in the CENIMA Building in Foz.
The day, framed in the SICTED project (Integral System of Tourist Quality in Destination) in the Mariña, began at 10:45 a.m. and included a Round Table, in which Mr. Manuel Muíño, president of CMAT, and Mrs. Rosa Sánchez, member of APTCM, had the opportunity to share their experiences and good practices in tourism management, highlighting their models of cooperation and joint projects.

They were able to exchange experiences and different tourism management models with other destinations such as Gijón, Ribeira Sacra or Mariña Lucense itself, as well as to talk about their respective projects for the future.
Manuel Muíño, president of the CMAT, highlighted the experience as very interesting: "we had the opportunity to highlight our positive experience as a public-private partnership and also learn from other sister destinations, which are working through different formulas to ours, such as consortia or commonwealths"-¡.

"This type of forum shows that the representation of the tourism business community in the management bodies and its active role in the strategy of the destinations are fundamental for their development", underlined Rosa Mª Sánchez, member of APTCM.

This conference represented a unique opportunity to highlight the coordinated work of these two associations, CMAT and APTCM, as well as to reflect on the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors in tourism development, working hand in hand, in a network, for a common goal: the sustainable growth of Galician tourist destinations. 

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