A fascinating Galician destination for slow travel: this is how four professional bloggers describe Costa da Morte

A fascinating Galician destination for slow travel: this is how four professional bloggers describe Costa da Morte

Four bloggers travel along the Costa da Morte on a trip organised by CMAT to promote the crafts, gastronomy, traditions, nature and culture of this area.

ZAS, 05/09/2024. Costa da Morte Tourism Association (CMAT) invited four travel bloggers to visit several places of the Costa da Morte in a three-day tourism promotion activity during the last weekend of August. They were able to enjoy activities related to astro-tourism, local crafts, gastronomy, culture and nature of the territory. This initiative was made possible thanks to the collaboration agreement between CMAT and Turismo de Galicia.

This is how the four bloggers lived their experience

During the three days of this experience, the bloggers participated in activities and visited places in the municipalities of Cabana de Bergantiños, Camariñas, Carnota, Cee, Corcubión, Dumbría, Fisterra, Laxe, Muxía, Vimianzo, and Zas.

The activities, visits and gastronomic experiences were conducted by companies of the tourism sector of the Costa da Morte of the Association of Professionals and Entrepreneurs of the Costa da Morte (APTCM). A demonstration of how the synergy between the public and private sector improves the existing tourist services and products on the Costa da Morte. This is demonstrated by the conclusions of the four participating bloggers:

For Leticia Pérez, from Trucos Viajeros, (@trucosviajeros on Instagram), travelling along the Costa da Morte "is to be able to discover a different Costa da Morte every time. This territory is immense and has incredible attractions for those looking for experiences of nature, intangible culture and flavours. But also with an enormous capacity to surprise with the stories of the people who live here and their unique traditions and arts. Undoubtedly a perfect destination for slow travelling".

Emma Sexto, a blogger who narrates her adventures through Un Mundo Infinito, (@1_mundoinfinito on Instagram), says that for her, Costa da Morte has everything: "Returning to Costa da Morte is always a shot of renewed energy for the soul. A territory where you can still find unspoilt nature, where ancient traditions and a lot of authenticity live on. Its gastronomy with local products, its crafts. And above all, its people, linked to the sea, always welcoming and willing to show you the best of their land. A fascinating area of Galicia that has everything".

Rafael Pérez, blogger from Viajando el Mapa, (@viajandoelmapa on Instagram) and passionate about wine tourism and necrotourism, has lived this visit as an authentic experience for the senses: "Travelling to the Costa da Morte is to travel to a territory with a distinct and distinctive character that is reflected in its people, in its gastronomy, in its architecture and in its nature. The territory forces you to transform yourself (and it is advisable to let yourself be transformed) to fully enjoy the visit. The rush is less, the desire to try new flavours increases and the eye gets used to a different way of seeing life that will make a barnacle seem like the most beautiful animal in the world".

For Dani Keral (@danikeral on Instagram), who has also visited the Costa da Morte on other occasions, walking through this destination again means doing it calmly and enjoying every detail: "With each trip through Costa da Morte (I've already lost count), it is clearer to me how infinitely rich this territory is in arts and crafts, nature, traditions, gastronomy, astrotourism and experience tourism.... This reaffirms me in the idea that, in my role as a communicator, my duty is to tell readers (and future visitors) not to make a "cannibal" visit to Costa da Morte, dedicating one or two days to take the typical photos. For the good of the territory but, above all, for their own good: what they miss out on by travelling in a hurry is incalculable".

These experiences lived by the bloggers will be reflected in their own spaces on the web and in their social media through different contents. This action seeks to promote the Costa da Morte as a geodestination to be enjoyed at any time of the year. Between the four bloggers, they have millions of annual visits to their blogs.

More initiatives to promote tourism on the Costa da Morte

This initiative is possible thanks to funding from Turismo de Galicia through a collaboration agreement with CMAT, which will be signed this September.

This agreement indicates the strong commitment of the municipalities and Turismo de Galicia to the Costa da Morte geodestination. The next tourism promotion initiative framed within this agreement will be the blogtrip #CostaDaMorteEnFamilia, an initiative that aims to promote the Costa da Morte as an ideal tourism destination for families. This trip, which will be held on 14 and 15 September, will be attended by bloggers specialising in family travel. The participants will visit the other six municipalities of the Costa da Morte geodestination (Carballo, Coristanco, A Laracha, Malpica de Bergantiños, Mazaricos and Ponteceso), with the aim of ensuring territorial balance in the promotion of tourism in these two blogtrips.

The other important action included in the agreement between CMAT and Turismo de Galicia is the celebration of the 4th Annual Tourism Meeting of the Costa da Morte, which will be held on 12 November 2024. The selection process for the venue is currently open for applications until 17 September.

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