Photo Contest 2024

Legal Bases of the 1st Costa da Morte Naturalmente Salvaxe Photographic Competition

1. Aim of the competition

The objective is none other than to promote the territory, making the area's resources known and at the same time letting the people who visit these places see what is so special about them.

2. How to participate

From a public Instagram account, a photo must be uploaded to the wall ("post" publication) tagging @visitacostadamorte and using the hashtag #concursonaturalmentesalvaxe.

There is no limit to the number of photos you can take. You can take as many as you want.

In addition, the photograph must be sent in high resolution to comunicacion@visitacostadamorte.com, together with the Annex I signed. You can find it at the bottom of this page.

Sending this email is an explicit acceptance of the competition rules, as well as the data privacy policy (section 7).

3. Requirements

The participant must be of legal age and must be the author of the photo submitted. No intellectual property rights, data protection or any other rights of third parties may be infringed.

The photo must be taken in the territory covered by CMAT. That is, in one of the 17 Councils that make up the CMAT: A Laracha, Cabana de Bergantiños, Camariñas, Carballo, Carnota, Cee, Corcubión, Coristanco, Dumbría, Fisterra, Laxe, Malpica de Bergantiños, Mazaricos, Muxía, Ponteceso, Vimianzo and Zas.

Offensive or illegal content will be rejected.

By submitting the photo, the participant is responsible for compliance with these requirements, being the only person responsible for any infringement of the rights of third parties.

4. Theme

The Theme must be in accordance with the name of the competition: Naturally Wild (Naturalmente Salvaxe). This means that the photograph submitted must highlight the Costa da Morte as a destination yet to be discovered, without overcrowding.

The aim of this theme is to focus on the natural and wild condition of the landscape, both inland and on the coast. Flora, fauna, sporting activities, idyllic landscapes... Everything can be photographed as long as it evokes the feeling of Naturally Wild!

The photography can use any technique and format.

5. Duration

The competition starts with the publication of these rules and will run until 30 October 2024 at 23:59h.

6. Prizes

There will be two prizes: the Public's Prize and the Jury's Prize.

The Audience Award will go to the photo that on 31 October 2024 at 00:00h. has the most "likes" on the Instagram publication with which it participated.

The Jury's Prize will be decided by a group of photography professionals chosen for this purpose. This jury will be made public before the award ceremony.

The finalists will be contacted in November 2024 and published on the CMAT networks.

The prizes will be awarded at the 4th Costa da Morte Tourism Meeting, to be held around November 2024.

There, the three most voted photographs on Instagram will be exhibited, as well as the three best photographs chosen by the jury, from which the winner of the Jury's Prize will be chosen.

All the finalists will be invited to the 4th Costa da Morte Tourism Meeting. Both prizes will consist of a diploma, a small gift and the winning photograph printed.

7. Privacy policy and transfer of rights

By participating, the participant accepts all the rules specified here.

The photos submitted will become part of the CMAT archive, the author ceding the rights to the association and may be used for promotion in the territory by the association and its members.

From CMAT, we commit ourselves to treat the data following the current legislation and in a respectful way, only making public the name of the finalists in the way they want it to appear, the Council from which they participate and their Instagram user.

If at any time the participant wants us to rectify or delete their data, they only have to send an email requesting it to comunicacion@visitacostadamorte.com