Guided tours of Carnota 2024

10/07/2024 - 28/08/2024


Guided tours of Carnota 2024

In order to make our territory, our culture and traditions known, the Council of Carnota organises a programme of guided visits during the months of July and August to the most emblematic places of tourist interest in the municipality.

On the 10th of July will take place the first of the routes through the parish of Lira where the remains of old salting factories, the museum "Caseta de Pepe do Cuco", the place of the sinking of the Spanish Navy ship Ariete and the hórreo of Lira will be visited. The route will be repeated on 21 August. Another of the proposed routes and one of the most popular is the ascent to A Moa (Monte Pindo). The departure point is the village of Fieiro. The dates will take place on 17th July and 7th August.

The nocturnal visit to the petrógifo of As Laxiñas will be held on 24 July and 14 August. There will be an interpretation of the landscape from the Lira viewpoint and a visit to the Laxiñas petroglyph. In order to favour the visibility of the engravings, artificial light will be projected. Participants should bring at least one torch per couple or family.

On 31st July and 28th August an audio-guided walk through the village of O Pindo is planned, starting from the Cofradía de O Pindo, where the headphones will be collected.

All the routes have a cost of 3€ to be paid in the following account of the Concello de Carnota: ES84 2080 0334 8731 1000 0035 except the audio-guided routes through the Pindo in which the payment will be made in the own Cofradía del Pindo in cash. In the concept of the payment must indicate: guided tour + date of the visit + name/s of the person or persons participating in case a single payment is made for more than one person.

Book your place by filling in the following form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1qiwtYat6VKt7vacOU3ETh_e2v8bBypmrGo8OBRVTrEc/viewform?edit_requested=true
More information:

at the tourist office
at +34 610228083

Registration and payment must be made before 11:00 a.m. the day before the route is held. 

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